The Rock 'n' Roll Dallas Half Marathon partners with the Susan G. Komen Foundation to raise support finding a cure for breast cancer. The quest of the foundation is to end breast cancer forever.
What a goal.
What a dream.
What an honor to participate.
I distinctly remember the way my heart dropped when the office worker delivered the phone pass to my 6th grade classroom, and I remember the way my mom spoke quietly, shakily but confident from the other end of the phone telling me "what we were worried about had actually happened." The word cancer scared my 6th grade heart and my mouth couldn't even shape the word for weeks after.
My mother is a proud breast cancer survivor-- a survivor who fought with determination, tenacity, and fervor. Her fight isn't over but neither is her joy stifled or hope lessened. We all have a lesson to learn from breast cancer survivors; they are to be esteemed and admired for the struggles we can never fully comprehend. Maybe this silly 13.1 miles is another way to pat her on the back and throw my arms around her neck.
If you'd like to support me and the Susan G. Komen foundation please click here.