Friday, December 31, 2010

Where's the Pond?

Day 4-6

A friend led me to Hal Higdon's Half Training plan, and I'm committed.  Here's the link to the schedule I'll be following with the order rearranged a bit.  The plan is geared for novices, which is downright perfect.

In all honesty, the biggest battle in training is the subtle belief that I simply cannot do it.  Dwelling on the cannots quickly leads to a feeling of defeat, but a novice plan is encouraging!  It's baby-stepping me into the longer distances.  I cannot imagine running 10 miles, but then again, earlier this week I wouldn't have thought I was in enough shape to run 4 miles!  Today (Day 6), I ran the 4 miles at Sequiota Park-- only the second time in my life that I've run that far!

Amidst the endorphins and joy of knowing I pushed past the first mile that had me tired was the disturbing fact that the pond I have in so many of my childhood memories...

was mysteriously gone.
Only a ditch of gravel was left. 

Perhaps my ability to get my mind off of running came from my obsessing over why the pond was gone, where the ducks were going to meander, and if the pond were coming back to the park.  Even 4 miles of running didn't lead me to a good answer.

Day 4: 1 + strength
Day 5: 3 miles
Day 6: 4 miles

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