Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 7

I haven't blogged, but that doesn't mean I've stopped running!  I'm up to 6 miles-- a feat I was intimidated by but has now been accomplished.

Here's what I've learned thus far:

  • you cannot really learn discipline.  You just have to do it.
  • is the above comment contradictory? possibly.  Here's what I mean:  there's nothing that makes running easier besides actually running.  Therefore, simply do it.
  • Be flexible.  I have a running schedule, but that doesn't mean the days cannot be rearranged.  This simple "duh" reality was incredibly helpful in my "running confidence."  If I missed a day, I was bummed and tended immediately think I was behind.  not so! Simply run on your rest day.  
  • Switch it up.  The Bear Trail- a 2.25 mile loop around campus- has become the most monotonous loop imaginable, so I've learned to explore new areas.  The newness keeps my senses focused not on the fact that I'm running but on the new scenery.  
  • biggest motivation: the fact that I'm running 13.1 miles at the end of March whether I train or not.  I. better. train.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rest for Your Souls

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29

For the first time since... FOREVER... I feel the value of a rest day.  I actually realize I'm resting.  

Usually I'd pass off an "I don't want to work out" day as a rest day, but today is a genuine day of choosing to slow down and rest.  I'm almost antsy to run, but see the importance of not.

and I NEVER imagined I'd say such craziness.

Rest for your body.
Rest for your souls.

Why does running have so many spiritual implications??  I love it and am learning much :]

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Faith in the System

Day 7-14
[Week 2]

I've stayed with "The System" but to be honest, I'm worried.  Though I know little about running, training, and the ins and outs of preparing for a half marathon, I find myself telling the expert that I am the exception and his plan won't work for me.

See, Mr. Hal Higdon doesn't know that I'm not a runner.
He doesn't know that I actually don't like running
or that I'm running very very slowly
.... my lame excuses could go on...

Doesn't this tendency sound familiar?

As Christians, we're oftentimes quick to pull out Romans 8:28 amidst trials or stressful times and say, 
"yes, I trust that God does work all things for the good of those who love him"

But does that stop worry?  For me... hardly, sadly.
We add a bit to the verse and say something like
"I trust, but maybe I should help Him a little just in case..."

We keep on our plans, but in the back of our minds we start making up back-up plans in case God doesn't act in the way we've prayed He would, and in some cases, the way He's promised He would.

With the training plan, it's hard for me to imagine that in 10 weeks I'll run 13.1 miles.  I find myself thinking I must run on a rest day or go farther on a short day.  My lack of trust in the silly training plan has revealed my tendency to control what's not mine.

Time to trust in the plan and I'm right on schedule.